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Visual Inspiration Collection 06
Hey guys, the weekend is finally upon us and it's time for another little roundup of photographers and other visually interesting things I found this week. I will attempt to publish another audio and visual inspiration post this weekend as there are a number o...
Visual Inspiration Collection 05
Here's the latest of my Inspiration Collections although I must confess I strayed slightly off topic. I have an annoying habit of collecting (see: hoarding) interesting images I find throughout the week so apologies if this feels a little random. There is some...
Visual Inspiration Collection 04
Hey guys, it's that time again when I realise there isn't an infinite number of hours in a week and I cannot write about every single awesome photographer or exhibition I've found out about. Let me know what you think of these visual/audio inspiration posts, ...
Visual Inspiration Collection 03
Hey guys! I wish to apologise for the recent lack of updates, it's been a pretty hectic month as I've had to move house and possibly even move down to the beautiful city of London so Style Division had to take a backseat for now. Don't fret as I have lots of e...
Visual Inspiration Collection 02
Well it didn't take long for me to find more things to be inspired by and 'Visual Inspiration Collection 02' is up and running. A few of you have been asking what I use to find all these great images and the truth is I don't really know where the next inspirat...
Visual Inspiration Collection 01
Hi guys, something new I want to start posting on Style Division is this 'Inspiration Collection' series. I always get approached to blog about X or Y but usually only if I see something visually appealing do I have an urge to write about it. If you're a blogg...
Audio Inspiration // Summer Tunes
Decided to take a distinct summery route for my latest playlists. With Glastonbury, Secret Garden Party, British Summertime Festival and Boomtown coming up it's time to come out of hibernation. It's time to replace the decidedly cold winter playlists wit...
Audio Inspiration Collection // March 2016
I was listening to futurist and filmmaker Jason Silva recently and he talked about how with the invention of mp3 players and the current trend of cloud streaming services such as Google Music we're literally creating a soundtrack to our own lives. Think ...
Style Inspiration 10 – 2015 Overview
Hard to believe it's been a year since the last time I put my annual review together but I can't say that I'm surprised. When you're having fun you don't really pay attention to the time as days and weeks sort of merge together into a never-ending story with y...
Style Inspiration 08
Oh hai there autumn, almost forgot how pleasant and full of surprises you are. Although the days are getting shorter and thick duvets have to come out of the cupboards, autumn in London feels somewhat special. Parks take on that golden glow and there has never...
Audio Inspiration Collection 08 (October 2015 Playlist)...
I have been listening to a lot of future garage recently which is a genre born out of dubstep and softer elements from 2-step garage. In my eyes the pioneer for this type of electronic music has been Burial whose first two albums 'Burial' and 'Untrue' s...
Creative Inspiration 10
The return of my Visual Inspiration Collections is upon us and I've been saving up a trove of delightful visuals and images to impress you with. Being a huge digital hoarder I thought it was time to put another collection together seeing as the last one was wa...
Style Division Inspiration Collection 02 – The Ne...
London is going to be a pretty hectic place over the next couple of days, mainly due to the fact that our beloved Fashion Week is underway again. Menswear designers had their fun last month during the London Collections: Men showcase so now it's time for some ...
Style Division Inspiration Collection 01 – 2014 O...
So 2014 was an interesting year to say the least. I finally got the motivation to develop Style Division from a visual blog (which you can still access here) to what it is today. I also made the big move to London which was a relatively scary prospect but it h...
Creative Inspiration 08
Hey guys, the weekend is coming to a close, I'm nursing a mini hangover after learning about Scotch Whiskey yesterday so what better way to feel better about myself than collecting some fine visual inspiration for you all. This post will focus on art and desig...
Creative Inspiration 07
Hey guys, apologies for lack of content these last few weeks but there has been a few things happening in the background of Style Division that I'm very happy about and hopefully all will be revealed in due time. The site has gone a slight structure alteration...
Saint Pablo // Journal 51
Hey guys, just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time out of their undoubtedly busy schedule to check out my blog. It honestly means a lot :) I was actually thinking about the concept of time quite a lot recently and I came to the conclusion tha...
Anton Dee
I'm an enthusiastic, self-motivated, multilingual producer and digital marketer. I have over 7 years experience working in digital marketing agencies and producing beautiful content for some of the world's biggest brands. I have an international educati...